
Introduction: K-Means is one of the most important algorithms when it comes to machine learning training In this blog, we will understand the K-Means clustering algorithm with the help of examples. A Hospital Care chain wants to open a series of Emergency-Care wards within a region. We assume that the hospital knows the location of all the maximum accident-prone areas in the region. They have to decide the number of the Emergency Units to be opened and the location of these Emergency Units, so that all the accident-prone areas are covered in the vicinity of these Emergency Units. The challenge is to decide the location of these Emergency Units so that the whole region is covered. Here is when K-means Clustering comes to rescue! Before getting to K-means Clustering, let us first understand what Clustering is. A cluster refers to a small group of objects. Clustering is grouping those objects into clusters. In order to learn clustering, it is important to understand the scen